
The Glass Inspector.

A light hearted look into the life of a glazier who was elevated to the position of a Glass Inspector and grew his career from the glass cutting bench into a consultant reviewing projects around the world. John Reeves explores the trials and tribulations of site conflicts with an uncompromising critique of the customers he's met. Carefully complied into different aspects of solution finding with dozens of true events related, ‘The Glass Inspector’ also aims at tickling the Tradesman’s funny bone. There's a running theme to unapologetically poke fun at Clients. Often their lack of ability or perhaps, willingness to learn from the blokes swinging a Hammer, wielding a Pipe Wrench or brandishing a Float gets them into a fix. Dammit, some don't even know what a Float is! Section by section, lessons can be learned for both ends of the spectrum of the Construction Industry. Lessons that could make for more harmonious, and yes, it's possible, a more efficient time spent working in perhaps one of the toughest industries in the world.