1 min read
What are Jinn?

Description of Jinn (Djinn).

Jinn, or djinn, are supernatural beings in Arabian and Islamic mythology, believed to be created from smokeless fire. They are often depicted as invisible entities capable of taking various forms, and they possess free will, allowing them to choose between good and evil. This duality means that while some jinn may act benevolently, others can be malevolent, influencing human affairs in both positive and negative ways.

Myths Surrounding Jinn.

One prevalent myth is that certain humans, particularly those with knowledge of specific magical procedures or incantations, can summon and control jinn to serve their purposes. These individuals are often portrayed as sorcerers or magicians who can exploit the powers of jinn for personal gain, whether it be for wealth, knowledge, or other advantages. This belief has led to various tales where humans engage in intricate rituals to bind or negotiate with jinn.

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